THE VIRTUES of BECOMING a GENUINE STUDENT by Azmir, Founder of Pusat Tuisyen Dinamik Pemikir
A famous Chinese proverb by Confucius once said " Past Scholars Studied to Improve Themselves, Today's Scholars Study to Impress Others" may hold water on the current situation that besieged the nation. Not to mention the "fake scholars" with bogus credentials, in desperation to gain communities respect and trust.
This piece is about the integrity and the values of becoming a genuine student
and specifically dedicated to students in primary and secondary schools.
Many of us have experienced the ups and downs of becoming a student, whether in national / private schools or in tertiary educational level. To put an education journey in the right perspective, a student must ask themselves "Why do I want to become a student?" This fundamental question will guide students in navigating through challenges ahead. There are countless of possible reasons, better employment, acquiring the skills/knowledge, social status, etc. I have no intention to generalise all situations but students need to be sure of what they are up against and adequately prepare themselves.
There are no specific prerequisites to becoming a genuine student except for interest in knowledge, patience, hardworking and systematic study. Becoming a student is a learning journey that one will face in the process to acquiring knowledge and formal academic certificates. In formal education, you will face UPSR, PT3, and SPM. While in tertiary level, you may face diplomas and degrees. Furthermore, Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest formal academic and those who achieve it may warrant a high social status in the eyes of the public besides having a prestige recognition in their respective research areas.
Now, what will you say when your students lament the hassles of becoming a genuine student when there is a "shortcut" to success and glory? Issues of " top post" with fake credentials may set bad precedence to our young students. The current young generations are well versed with the social media and they will definitely exposed to the ongoing news.
Buying your way to obtain fake academic credentials will definitely land yourself in a stressful row, sooner or later. With just a simple click, this kind of credentials can be exposed or debunked.
Nonetheless, we as an adult need to inculcate our teenagers with genuine and ethical ways to become a successful student. It is critical that a sound approach be developed in order to eradicate common fallacies in becoming a genuine student and move forward in ever-changing times.

Students are struggling to catching up with the classes as the number of Covid-19 multiplies. Online delivery of primary, secondary and tertiary courses is no longer an option but compulsory. Moving to online classes may seem like the solution but not without its inherent challenges.
The critical gap for the quality of the internet access in the rural areas poses an uphill task to the students. The actual experience on the ground reveals that not all families have broadband access at home. They tend to use mobile data which comes with limited data and resulted to poor learning experience. Even Tuition Centres are facing difficulties to reaching the students in rural areas due to this issue.
Achieving a free-flowing discussions among students are extremely difficult during online session. After-class communication increased as students seeking reassurance that they understood the lessons or tasks.
Proper devices also crucial. Solely depends on smartphone will contribute different experience compared to using Laptops, PCs or Tablets. Smaller screen makes it harder to read or understand completely.
The adjustment of online learning may take a while for teachers and students to embrace. Not all courses are suitable as some need practical experience. The new norm is here to stay for the time being. Educators may need to explore creative ways to engage with their students and ensuring that no one to be left behind.
Providing equal and quality internet access should be the major goal of the government. For students to have sufficient access to the internet and digital devices are of paramount importance to continue learning.

Students are struggling to catching up with the classes as the number of Covid-19 multiplies. Online delivery of primary, secondary and tertiary courses is no longer an option but compulsory. Moving to online classes may seem like the solution but not without its inherent challenges.
The critical gap for the quality of the internet access in the rural areas poses an uphill task to the students. The actual experience on the ground reveals that not all families have broadband access at home. They tend to use mobile data which comes with limited data and resulted to poor learning experience. Even Tuition Centres are facing difficulties to reaching the students in rural areas due to this issue.
Achieving a free-flowing discussions among students are extremely difficult during online session. After-class communication increased as students seeking reassurance that they understood the lessons or tasks.
Proper devices also crucial. Solely depends on smartphone will contribute different experience compared to using Laptops, PCs or Tablets. Smaller screen makes it harder to read or understand completely.
The adjustment of online learning may take a while for teachers and students to embrace. Not all courses are suitable as some need practical experience. The new norm is here to stay for the time being. Educators may need to explore creative ways to engage with their students and ensuring that no one to be left behind.
Providing equal and quality internet access should be the major goal of the government. For students to have sufficient access to the internet and digital devices are of paramount importance to continue learning.

We are all customers, literally. We went shopping and dealing with the staffs of many organisations or brands. With pleasant experience, chances are, we will recall our joyful experience and end up as repeated customer.
Vice versa, if we experienced poor service, we won’t hesitate to spit out the annoyance and resulted to adverse effect to the said business in the long term.
We can define customer experience as the result of an interaction between an organisation and a customer over the duration of time of their relationship.
There are several factors that contributing to customer experience (CE) such as advertising, website experience, storefront, ordering system, customer contact centre and return process.
Okay, I’m going to narrow down the application of CE in the lens of a Tuition Centre.
So what are the central parameters in determining the CE of a Tuition Centre? They are mainly the registration system, promotional campaign, learning experience, classroom ambience, parents / students interaction with tutors / staff’s, class schedules, refund / class replacement process, billing system and finally the after service interaction.
Understanding the customer journey of interacting with our brand is the prime key moments in mastering the CE. Customer’s perspective to each parameter is crucial insight to improve our CE.
Negative CE can cause more damage to business entities. Put simply, bad news travel faster than good news.
There is no “magic recipe” fits to all as each organisation has different customer’s experience journey. For our Tuition Centre, the journey starts from the interaction of a customer with our promotional campaign. A campaign that describes clearly the brand, the problem statement with offered solution and finally a call-to-action.
So, should Tuition Centre worry about CE? Is it significant compared to other businesses? The answer is a resounding yes since we are serving the customer.
The prospects for CE improvement are promising if we put ourselves in customer’s shoes, examining the parameters involved and making structure change to reflect the upgraded version.
If you are interested to CE improvement, do email to contact@maamcartcentrum.solutions.
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